Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions
2009 will be MINE
* Lose 20 more pounds by April well 22, gained two over the holidays.
* Start trying for children
* Double my business with Slumber Parties
* Pay cash for a new refrigerator
* Paint rooms upstairs
* See friends and family more often.
Whats yours???

Friday, December 26, 2008

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I know we did! Now its time to take the decorations down, shovel snow, and get back on track with food! Maybe we will wait til after the New Year, with everything but the snow that is!
Love everyone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

What do you think?

So Will showed me this website and I had to post about it, funny. My cat would be so upset if we bought her this... check out for more pictures lol

Friday, December 5, 2008

Threes a Crowd?

So the past week something really strange has been happening in our house. At moments I get worried and think whats going on in the minds around me and other moments I think I love it. For those of you who know me, I love my cat Daisy. She is my only inside house child right now, sorry Sparky! I love her with all my soul and even though she hates everyone around us and makes others fear cats, I know she is doing it all to protect me and its an act. She would never attack anyone, if she would have Will would have got it by now.
Anyway, to get to the point. The past week Daisy has been sleeping in our bed with us every night all night long. She is so cute. She crawls in my side and gets under the blankets, pokes her head out on the pillow with me and sleeps facing me. If I flip around to my other side, I'm a side sleeper, she gets up and does the same thing under the blankets. If Will moves she meows at him kinda like saying "do you mind" its funny. I will have to get a picture of it and post it so you can see how precious my baby really can be.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Trails?

So Wendover...
It was OK. An experience I would say I would rather not do again.
Thanksgiving was nothing this year. As you get older most holidays seem to lose their childhood excitement but Thanksgiving is for everyone and this year it just seemed blah... So next year we will be slaving over the stove and watching the Thanksgiving parade. If you want you can come over :)